Drip irrigation is a method of irrigation that involves dripping water onto the soil at very low rates (2–20 liters per hour) from a system of small-diameter plastic pipes fitted with outlets called emitters or drippers. Water is applied close to plants so that only part of the soil in which the roots grow is wetted, unlike surface and sprinkler irrigation, which involve wetting the whole soil profile. With drip irrigation water, applications are more frequent (usually every 1–3 days) than with other methods, and this provides a very favourable high moisture level in the soil in which plants can flourish. Drip irrigation is the most water-efficient irrigation system, with up to 90% water use efficiency. It can reduce water loss from evaporation, deep percolation, and runoff. The precise method also maintains optimal moisture levels, enhancing plant productivity and quality. Drip irrigation can also help control diseases and weeds.

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