
OSIA Trust - An Ideal Social Service Opportunities

Since OSIA Trust  is volunteers based organization providing a wonderful opportunity to be a changemaker, volunteers from all spheres are always welcome at the organization.

What OSIA Trust  offers to Volunteers?

For more information call or WhatsApp

+91 8630968006

Volunteers Registration

    1. School StudentCollege StudentWorking professionalHome makerRetired individualOther
    2. Virtually onlyOffline onlyBoth are possibleOther
    3. Only on weekendsOnly on weekdaysFlexiblyOther
    4. Less than a month1-3 months3-6 monthsMore than 6 monthsDepends on how engaging the activity isOther
    5. I want to learn something about NGOsI have skills that I can shareI need to do this as part of my course requirementsI want to meet other like minded peopleI want to experience the impact I can haveI have time and I can spend this usefullyOther
    6. Allows me to interact with many peopleI can do by myselfI am not sureOther
    7. An extroverted personAn introverted personI am not sureOther