

Organization for Social Impact and Assessment (OSIA) Trust organization

It’s an undeniable fact that education in modern India has moved on from that of the “Gurukula.” The emphasis was on developing student’s human values such as self-reliance, empathy, creativity, plus strong moral and ethical behaviours. The aim was that this knowledge could later be practically implemented to find solutions to real-life problems. 

But in modern era in India  The curriculum is mostly taught in English or Hindi, computer technology and skills have been integrated into learning systems, and emphasis is more on the competitive examination and grades rather than moral, ethical and spiritual education.

India, where the   1/6th of the world’s population and 1/3rd of the world’s poor are living, The socio-economic composition of children who drop out of school in India suggests that education deprivation occurs most among urban poor, rural and tribal children and within each category the situation of girls is worse than boys because of the perceived and actual costs to households of girls’ schooling.

Under-educated parents, particularly mothers, do not realize the importance of educating their children. This contributes to factors that perpetuate the cycle of poverty, such as child labour, low wages, and job insecurity. Moreover, research suggests that educating a woman has far ranging positive effects. Educated women marry later, have fewer children, feed them better, abstain from having many children and are more likely to send their children to school.

Organization for Social Impact & Assessment (OSIA) Trust – under its programme ‘Patra’ playing a big role. Project Patra provides life Skill Education to the School students. Our intervention also includes academic support in the form of before or after-school classes and material support is provided in the form of schoolbags, shoes, books, uniforms, lunchboxes and other essentials that help a student to go to school with dignity