When did you last spot a house sparrow (Gauraiya)!!

in your house? Chances are, quite a while ago.

These once-common birds are becoming a rarity, in India and other parts of the world. The Royal Society for Protection of Birds (RSPB) UK, recently added the house sparrow to its Red List (for rapidly declining bird populations, which pose global conservation concern).

Sparrow is the most lovable bird in the world and an essential part of the ecosystem. Their population is declining dramatically due to a variety of factors, including habitat loss, extensive use of pesticide, and predation by other species.

In order to ensure that sparrow populations remain healthy and thriving, Organization of Social Impact & Assessment (OSIA) Trust is extensively engaged to start conserving sparrow populations by actively managing their habitats. This involves protecting existing sparrow habitats and creating new ones where possible. Through these habitats OSIA trust provides adequate food & water for the birds to survive.

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